The products are based on the production of electrolytic ozone, which uses ordinary tap water and electricity to produce ozone water that can be used for disinfection, sanitation and hygiene. Ozone is not only faster and stronger than, for example, chlorine-based cleaning agents, but using ozone, it does not generate chemical residues, but only pure oxygen.
The smallest appliances are suitable for household use, while larger and customized appliances can also be used for even large entities, from the needs of primary food production and food processing to spa and laundry conditions.
Hydzonator | Professional Ozone Spray Bottle | Ice Disinfection System, IDS | Automatic Water Disinfection System, WDS | Compact Sanitation System, CSS | Central Disinfection System 1000 mg O3/h – OWS 1 | Central Disinfection System 3000 mg O3/h – OWS 3 | Scalable Ozone Gas Generator 3000 mg (G3) – 6000 mg (G6) – 9000 mg (G9) | Watering systems, commercial laundry, and tailored ozone water systems | Safety and monitoring devices
The Multi-Purpose Ozone Bottle for household use. By simply filling the bottle with clean tap water, the device will instantly convert ordinary water into ozonated water that can help replace conventional chemical sanitizers.
The 2nd generation handheld rechargeable Ozone Spray Bottle uses latest AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) technology. This revolutionary technology can help replace conventional chemical surface sanitizers. This ozone sprayer offers an effective, safe, and environmentally friendly surface sanitation for many commercial hygiene applications.
Fully automatic sanitation is designed to eliminate the hassle of routine weekly cleaning and reduces the need for conventional periodic chemical sanitation of ice machines. Tested by a leading independent laboratory for long lasting performance and safety IDS gives professional operators peace of mind when it comes to sanitation. Ice machine capacity up to 1300 kg/d.
WDS protects against biofilm growth and pathogens from water supplies. Simply connect the unit to an existing, filtered water input and the system will turn the water into an efficient and safe sanitizer. The process and result are totally chemical-free.
Single workstation device with two operation methods:
Large, centralized disinfection system to integrate ozone water up to 8 faucets or professional washers. All-purpose surface sanitation, large surface wash-down and sanitation for professional kitchens. Water flows from 200 to 2000 l/h. Ozone production 1000 mg/h.
Large, centralized disinfection system to build ozone water network. Integrable with professional washers. All-purpose surface sanitation, large surface wash-down and sanitation. Water flow from 200 to 6000 l/h. Ozone production 3000 mg/h. The production expansion up to 30000 mg/h with G-Series units.
The ozone gas production unit to increase ozone production capacity by integration to OWS-units. The output of the product is 28 wt-% ozone gas.
G3 3000 mg
G6 6000 mg
G9 9000 mg
Our partner, Jarvenkyla Ltd. is developing watering systems to cut down or totally replace plant protection chemicals in horticulture and greenhouses.
More information: Jarvenkyla
Some of the ozone generation products are well suited for use in the professional laundry industry as dissolved ozone kills bacteria, viruses and superbugs and oxygen opens fibers to promote cleaning and drying. Please have a look of leaflet for professional ozone laundry products.
We are ready to help you with all the ozone related challenges and together with our partners we can tailor best solutions for your unique business case.
Please contact for more information.
We offer a variety of ozone content monitors and indicators for the water and gas environment. The safety and alarm systems are available both for personal handheld use and fixed room conditions.
Please contact for more information.
SauvO3 myy puhtaan veden hyödyntämiseen perustuvia desinfiointilaitteita, joiden avulla on mahdollista korvata osittain tai kokonaan perinteiset tilojen puhtaanapidossa ja henkilökohtaisen hygienian ylläpidossa käytetyt kemikaalit.
SauvO3 sells disinfection equipment based on the utilization of clean water, which makes it possible to partially or completely replace traditional chemicals used in the cleaning of premises and the maintenance of personal hygiene.