- Dimensions 128,5 x 140 x 210,5 mm
- 1,3 kg
- Max flow 2300 l/h
WDS protects against biofilm growth and pathogens from water supplies. Simply connect the unit to an existing, filtered water input and the system will turn the water into an efficient and safe sanitizer. The process and result are totally chemical-free.
2480,00 € incl. VAT 24%
SauvO3 myy puhtaan veden hyödyntämiseen perustuvia desinfiointilaitteita, joiden avulla on mahdollista korvata osittain tai kokonaan perinteiset tilojen puhtaanapidossa ja henkilökohtaisen hygienian ylläpidossa käytetyt kemikaalit.
SauvO3 sells disinfection equipment based on the utilization of clean water, which makes it possible to partially or completely replace traditional chemicals used in the cleaning of premises and the maintenance of personal hygiene.