Replace traditional chemicals with clean water disinfection equipment
SauvO3 is selling the products that can replace part or all the of current chemicals used in sanitation and personal hand hygiene by utilization of tap water.
Maintaining hygiene is a key of several functions and use of different set- up of chemicals and water flushes is standard operation method. The use of chemicals is natural in many cases, but some of the chemical processes can be replaced with more environmentally friendly choices. Tabletops, surfaces and hands can be disinfected by tap water used in electrolytic process.
Did you know that it is possible to replace all the hand and surface disinfection chemicals with tap water?
If answer is yes in any of the questions above, we could have a solution for your needs. Please visit PRODUCTS and SHOP.
One of our key technologies is indirect Electrolytic Ozone Generation (iEOG), which produces pure ozone from tap water instead of gaseous air or oxygen for sanitation purposes. Ozone is 3000 times faster and 50 times stronger than chlorine-based sanitation chemicals and there are no residues left with ozone, just pure oxygen.
Key advantages of technology:
SauvO3 Ltd. has exclusive rights to selling BES Group iEOG products in Finland.
SauvO3 myy puhtaan veden hyödyntämiseen perustuvia desinfiointilaitteita, joiden avulla on mahdollista korvata osittain tai kokonaan perinteiset tilojen puhtaanapidossa ja henkilökohtaisen hygienian ylläpidossa käytetyt kemikaalit.
SauvO3 sells disinfection equipment based on the utilization of clean water, which makes it possible to partially or completely replace traditional chemicals used in the cleaning of premises and the maintenance of personal hygiene.